Whether you're building a website to promote yourself, a business, a service, or an eCommerce store, your website needs to reflect your personality from the start.
Presenting a website consistent with your brand identity is essential for persuading visitors to your website that your company is trustworthy and dependable.
Nowadays, many website builders offer generic templates to create quick DIY websites; however, if you don't take time and effort to customise these templates, your site may not match your brand's image, approach and attitude.
In this blog, we offer five pointers to assist you in ensuring that the information on your website reflects your identity, brand, personality and vision.
Developing an authentic tone of voice and language choice is essential for keeping your website copy and brand messaging consistent. It also ensures that website visitors understand your company's strategy to decide it is a good fit for them.
Your landing pages, blog content, and any other website copy should be written in a tone that not only suits the personality of your brand but will resonate with your target audience.
An inconsistent or mismatched tone of voice can leave your audience unsure of what to anticipate from your business, leading them to hunt for one that gives them more confidence.
To keep all of your content writing consistent, create a style guide so you and your contributors can readily see if your copy meets your brand's voice's requirements.
This style guide should include how you want your brand to be regarded and what you hope your written content will accomplish with your readers.
Your brand should have a distinct design style that is easy for customers to remember and recognise across your website , marketing and media channels.
This includes using a consistent, memorable colour scheme and having an interesting attention-grabbing page layout. That said, don't make your layout so interesting first-time visitors don't know how to interact with it.
Stick to conventional navigation features and have some repetitive design elements that flow between pages, such as your logo, fonts, and how text and graphics are formatted across the site.
Your audience's associations and connotations with the words and phrases you use to describe your company may differ from the terms they search for to find what you offer. Therefore thorough keyword research can aid in the development of more effective ways to describe your company to potential customers.
Choose your keywords carefully; poor keyword choices could provide the wrong idea about your brand identity, service or products and lead to a higher bounce rate.
Your keyword research should give you insight into exactly what users are seeking when they use various search terms, as well as what they believe specific phrases mean about your business.
Creating quality keyword-rich original content that responds to popular search suggestions or answers commonly searched for questions can also improve a user's regard for your brand as an authority in your niche.
It can be tempting, especially if you are using a DIY website builder that comes with a library of ready-to-use images, to use them.
However, most visitors will quickly recognise stock photos, which will negatively impact their view of your brand.
Thousands of individuals and corporations reuse stock photographs in marketing brochures, websites, and other applications. As a result, these images have become tired and ubiquitous.
To accurately express your brand's uniqueness, personality and to demonstrate who you are as a company, you will need to use original photography and images of the actual people, places and products that make up your business.
You simply can't afford to utilise inauthentic stock photos because authenticity is vitally important in modern brand interaction.
Inquiring how visitors feel about your website and its content is one of the most effective ways to determine if it conveys the correct message.
Requesting feedback from customers and site visitors can reveal a lot about the consumers' expectations based on your website content and whether or not it instilled a sense of trust in your brand to deliver on those expectations.
New users can provide some of the most valuable feedback, so it is a good idea to send your survey a few weeks after they sign up or purchase something from your site.
You want to request feedback within the sweet spot where a user will still recall the expectations set by your website and will have most likely received and evaluated your goods to see if it matches the image you presented.
Customers who haven't visited your site or used your services in a long time may also be able to tell you where your brand's identity is represented inconsistently or poorly.
Create feedback surveys that take advantage of the capabilities of their delivery method to get the best response rates. Ask open-ended questions in email surveys, such as what they think your brand's values and distinctive features are and how they would describe your brand's personality.
Multiple-choice questions are more effective in an SMS survey. You may, for example, ask participants to rate how well particular terms describe you on a scale of 1 to 10 or indicate why they became or stopped being your client using a list of ready-made responses.
Committing the time and resources to design and build a custom website that truly reflects your brand and portrays your authentic personality will win you more business than a cookie-cutter template site ever could.
With a good style guide for your site's original copy and visual language, you can maintain branding consistency and build confidence and recognition with your customers.
To guarantee your site sends the proper signals to visitors, research keywords to discover the largest audience and understand what those phrases mean to customers.
Use original photography and finally collect feedback to help you continually develop a brand identity that people believe in and trust.
If you want expert help building a custom website that is completely you and that your customers will love, call the talented web design team at Zeemo today.