PPC & Google Ads

Elevate your business with quality Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising Campaigns that get your offerings in front of qualified customers.


Implementing cost-effective paid search campaigns to increase revenue & visibility

Zeemo is a boutique creative marketing agency that specialises in Search Engine Marketing (SEM), high-ROI AdWords management & multichannel PPC campaigns. Our research & data-driven strategic approach to Pay-Per-Click, Display Advertising & Remarketing targets high-intent audiences actively looking for your product or service.

Paid advertising strategic planning

Strategic. As seasoned marketing professionals, Zeemo research & strategically plan which channels & paid advertising will work for you – search, display (remarketing), shopping or videos.

Target specific audience by paid advertising channel

Targeted. We define specific buyer personas & target audience by channel. Through geo-targeting (local PPC), we ensure your ad budget isn’t wasted on clicks outside your target area.

PPC management services by Zeemo

Transparent. We help you set campaign goals & offer a fixed pricing model whereby you pay Google/Microsoft directly for AdWords and a flat rate for Zeemo’s PPC management services.

Custom design landing pages & content

Personalised. We custom design landing pages & content for consistent, cohesive brand recognition, SEO & optimal multichannel AdWords ROI.

Paid search campaigns optimization agency

Illuminating. We analyse PPC data to make ongoing improvements to your paid search campaigns & use high yield results to inform website refinements for organic SEO.

Notable Projects

Here are some current Google Ads management projects from our extensive portfolio.


The Process

Zeemo’s approach to Paid Search Advertising

Being a results-focused AdWords Company with over 20 years of experience in internet advertising, we have finely tuned our process for maximum ROI.


At the start of a new AdWords campaign, we develop a detailed strategy, review site architecture and identify high commercial intent keywords relevant to your business.

Setup & Planning

Next, we set up a structured account defining distinct Ad campaigns containing logical Ad groups, keywords, Ad text & landing pages optimised for higher click-through rates & lower costs-per-click.


Before rolling out, we undertake a low budget pilot campaign for A/B split testing to validate which of the particular PPC adverts & landing page variations will likely generate the best results.


Once we have established your audience, budget, placements & created your ads, we launch your PPC campaign proper, actively bidding for high conversion keywords to help you reach your goals.

Reporting & Refining

We continually monitor campaign activity & track & report on progress. If a campaign isn’t performing, we make tweaks along the way, from adjusting our strategy to recreating ads or changing bids for keywords.

Google Ads Agency Melbourne

Collaborative Approach

When you choose Zeemo as your Google Ads Agency, you are getting an all-in-one in-house team for strategy, design, copy, SEO & analytics working as an extension of your organisation. Our AdWords management team work in a close collaborative partnership to understand your business goals & your key demographics’ needs. By analysing intentions, buying behaviours & emotional triggers that lead to decision making, we continually improve, helping us deliver ongoing success in a competitive PPC landscape.

Improved ROI

PPC advertising is not a set-it-&-forget-it exercise. We are continually collecting, analysing & applying data to raise the bottom-line performance of every paid search campaign to improve ROI. Evaluating keyword performance, quality scores & marketing mix helps lower the cost per click (CPC) for keywords over time. We can also then apply the learning gained from studying paid reach to finesse your website copy to improve organic reach through better SEO.

Analysing & applying data for PPC advertising


Why Zeemo

Paid Search Ads That Convert Clicks Into Customers

Zeemo is a trusted AdWords Agency used by Melbourne businesses looking to get the most bang for their SEM buck. We have experience running PPC campaigns in multiple industries, from local brands to large multinationals & we know how to transform your Pay-Per-Click budget into reliable revenue.

Google AdWords paid marketing services cost

100% Transparency

We charge a fixed management fee. Your AdWord spend is paid directly to the provider, so you know exactly what is being spent on ads.

Seamless paid search advertising strategy


We ensure your paid search strategy works seamlessly on mobile, tablet & desktop for all major operating systems & browsers.

Data-driven AdWords management planning

Expert Oversight

AdWords management ensures campaigns roll out on time, as planned & gain traction with data-driven decisions to optimise spend.

Applying thoughts to improve PPC campaigns & SEO

Long-term Focus

We become wiser with every campaign we undertake, applying our learning to inform & improve for future PPC campaigns & SEO.

PPC campaign monitor & report

Track & Measure

We monitor & report on PPC campaign traffic, engagement, targeted keywords, impact, sentiment, lead generation & sales.

High conversion PPC ads & landing pages

In-house Team

Our professional copywriters, graphic designers & photographers work together to produce high conversion PPC ads & landing pages.


Asked & Answered

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Why should I use paid AdWords if I have good organic SEO rankings?

There are a couple of reasons for Google ads to be incorporated into your digital marketing strategy. Firstly, search advertising can help you jump the queue when you launch a brand new website, or if you need to get to market quickly with a new product/service, but your organic ranking hasn't had enough time to start performing. Secondly, we are firm believers that you should not keep all your eggs in one basket. If business slows down during particular periods, PPC is always an option to give things a bit of a boost.

How much does Search Advertising cost?

PPC advertising is not a one-size-fits-all proposition; there is no clear-cut Google Ads price. AdWords advertising costs will vary depending on your industry, customer lifecycle & current trends (i.e. COVID-19). Therefore, we must understand the competitiveness of your industry & the number of keywords or key phrases you'd like to target. From there, we develop a tailored strategy to give you maximum return based on your requirements & provide advice on how to set a realistic PPC budget.

Do people really click on paid ads/sponsored ads these days?

The answer is a resounding yes. While the success will vary from ad to ad, PPC ads do get clicks & given 85% of people don't make it past the first page of Google search results, if you don't yet have high ranking SEO, PPC may be the only way to get you there.

Google AdWords stats show 64.6% of people clicked on a sponsored Google Ad while shopping online in 2020. Furthermore, click-through rates on Google are 600x higher than the click-through rates for ads on a typical Facebook page.

Some other PPC Statistics gleaned from research studies in 2020 show that:

  • In a survey of 506 people who responded that they clicked on a paid search ad within the past month, 75% said the ad made it easier to find the information they're looking for & they were most likely to click on ads that answer their questions.
  • Google Ads results received 65% of the clicks that started with buying keywords, while organic results only received 35%
  • PPC visitors are 50% more likely to purchase something than organic visitors.


What happens if a competitor keeps clicking on my ads?

If a bot is used to click on an ad continuously, Google will automatically block activity from its IP address, so you won't have to pay for clicks from that specific IP. However, if the ad is clicked manually, it will count as a regular paid click. If you are concerned, you can manually block clicks from certain IP addresses.

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Digital marketing strategies for clients

Digital Marketing

Zeemo provides end-to-end digital marketing services to measurably grow your paid and earned market share and ensure your brand stands out and apart from the competition.

Design search-friendly websites in Melbourne

Web Design

We build unique search-friendly websites that blend user experience with brand storytelling, setting you apart from the competition & ready for online success.
